Archive for August 2019
Spindrift August 15, 2019
Editor Dr. Bob Wood In the absence of President Ken who said he might have jury duty, Secretary and Past President Richard Swinney ran this exciting meeting with a heartfelt invocation, a patriotic pledge by Deane Bottorf, and a dozen wonderful wives joining us for Ladies Day to hear our special speaker. We were blessed…
Read MoreSpindrift August 8, 2019
Dave Schapiro– Ed. Our greeter this week was Jim Fournier, enthusiastically selling raffle tickets at the front desk. Our esteemed prez, Ken Dufour, began the meeting with an in-spired invocation, followed by a spirited salute to Old Glory, led by the ever-present Deane Bottorf. ANNOUNCEMENTS -Just prior to being led to the trough, Norm Von…
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