Dave Schapiro, Editor
There were 17 participants who attended our latest ZOOM Meeting last Thursday, including two guests, who were our featured speakers: Renay Teper, Pre-Planning Advisor of Dignity Memorial; and Basil Luck, the Dignity Memorial program director. Renay happens to be a member of the South OC Exchange, and she and Basil (who is Renay’s dad) have been invited to discuss funeral pre-planning.
Pres. Ken Dufour opened with an invocation that we should be given the grace to be patient with one another, as we are one species, one race, called human. Dave Schapiro followed with the flag salute.
Ken commented that this will be his last meeting as President and that Pres-Elect George Lesley will be in charge beginning with the next meeting. Good luck to George, and best wishes to Ken!…..Ken gave special thanks to all who have assisted him this year in keeping him on the straight and narrow, especially Secretary Richard Swinney and Treasurer Bob Wood, who, as usual, have done outstanding jobs! Ken also mentioned Ross Stewart and Jerry Nininger for the work done on behalf of the Field of Honor; and Mitch Mitchell for the extraordinary job in organizing speakers for our Zoom meetings….Attendees were reminded that the 96th Annual District Convention, and the first such virtual convention, will be held on Zoom beginning at 9 am on Saturday, June 27.
Jean Naughton reported that her life partner, Tom, took a fall a couple days ago; but was not seriously injured. On behalf of the Club, Ken gave his best wishes…..Richard Swinney introduced his new puppy, Sierra, who is just getting used to the new landscape at his home… At an impromptu business meeting held after the general meeting, the Executive Committee discussed and voted to reduce member dues for the next quarter to $200.
Richard introduced our speakers, who presented the services of Dignity Memorial, which include the Memorial Parks at Pacific View in CDM, Fairhaven in Santa Ana, Harbor Lawn in Costa Mesa, and Westminster.

Renay focused on the June benefits of making these final decisions in advance, including reduction of stress on loved ones; the luxury of time to make preparations in advance; decisions can be made together with input from loved ones; the assurance that your final wishes will be followed; along with financial incentives, i.e. pre-planning discounts, inflationary issues. Dignity offers a complimentary Pre-Planning Guide, which allows you to compile important information in one location: mortuary; attorney; clergy; friends and relatives to contact; insurance, financial professional, business, and service organizations, obituary information, etc., etc. Basil emphasized Total Protection with Dignity, and reviewed issues such as caskets and burial containers, markers (plaques), fees for interment (opening and closing of the ground or vault). He commented on Travel Protection, an insurance that will protect you if your remains need to be transported from anywhere in the world. Although this is not among the most comfortable of subjects to discuss with family, it is worthwhile to plan ahead. For further information, you can contact them at Renay.Teper@DignityMemorial.com {(949) 939-6751};
or Basil.Luck@DignityMemorial.com {(949) 351-1931}.
96th ANNUAL CA/NV DISTRICT CONVENTION – June 27, 2020 (Virtual via Zoom)
The following are pertinent events which transpired at the convention, courtesy of your editor and reporter…..Approximately 94 members of associated clubs participated in the Zoom convention. The moderator of the event was Dave Black (South OC EC), and District President Johnny Tai (Crossroads EC) opened the meeting….The winners of the 2019-20 A.C.E. Awards, presented by Janelle Darby (San Diego EC), were. Natalie Mares and Uriel Mateos, both of whom are from San Diego. The 2019-20 Youth of the Year Award winners, presented by Phil Griego, were Erica Hsueh (nominated by Crossroads EC) and Brendan Reeves (nominated by So. OC EC). All winners received $3,500 awards, of which our Club contributed $500 per student…..Both Richard Swinney and Dr. Bob Wood were featured in separate videos shown at the convention, briefly presenting their motivations and involvement with Exchange…..Featured Speaker at the Convention was Tracey Edwards, CEO of the National EC, based in Toledo, OH (who spoke at one of our weekly ECNH meetings recently. She made two presentations: “Taking Your Exchange Club Membership to the Next Level”; and “Servant Leadership”; both were inspirational and informative. She announced that the National EC Convention will be staged on Zoom on July 20….Georgeann Bruce had a special message to the District acknowledging the financial support received by the Downey Family Support Center, and specifically named ECNH for the generous donation that we recently gave them….
Ken Owens, District Treasurer, announced that about $20K will be needed to make up the shortfall in funds for their ACE and Youth Awards programs due to the suspension of the Football Book program this year….

Our own Bill Bechtel was the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Dis-trict…. And Roy Shlemon won the All American Volunteer of the Year Award: well deserved, Roy!!…
Ken DuFour started the meeting with a nice invocation, and WW II vet Deane Bottorf, recovering from a recent illness, led us in the salute. Jeff Yeargain announced the new scores for our Membership Drive (Team 3=71, Team 4=57, Team 2= 56, Team 1=49.) These teams WERE chosen at random. He noted that the Board will meet next week to review membership proposals, so bring someone next week (looks like a good talk!) turn in the proposal, and if it gets approved you earn five points, plus four points more if they join the club. Our two guests were introduced and are shown here. We were also delighted to have Al Wach back for the meeting, recovering from back problems.