Spindrift August 13, 2020

Steve Pool - Reporter

Member and today’s speaker Jeff Yeargain brought guests Ray and Nick deAngelo.


Welcome Ray and Nick, we hope to see you again soon!

Ross Stewart (left) is enjoying some sun while Buddy Ryan (right) enjoys the shade of an umbrella for our meeting. Did you know that Ross is our new Americanism Director?

Please consider coming if you’re feeling healthy (no symptoms), don’t have underlying health issues, and want to socialize with one another respectfully!

Jeff talked about the US Senate and how it is likely to turn Democrat with 35 seats up for re-election. In the House, 19 seats are up for re-election and he feels it’s too close to call. With all of the turmoil going on, Jeff still feels that Donald Trump will win this November.

The election cycle this year takes on particular importance for Jeff as he feels Ruth Bader Ginsberg is dying of pancreatic cancer. In fact, on July 30, RBG underwent a minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure on a bile duct stent she received last year.

Jeff fears a Democrat sweep as Joe Biden, may tap Alexandria Occasio Cortez to be his Energy Secretary or Energy Advisor who would likely shift away from non-renewable energy sources in favor of renewable, clean energy. It’s also feared that a wealth tax will raise the corporate tax rate to 21– 35%. (Did you know that in 1944 the rate was 90% and in the 1950’s through 1970’s the top federal income tax rate remained high, never dipping below 70 percent? https://bradfordtaxinstitute.com/Free_Resources/Federal-Income-Tax-Rates.aspx )


Jeff spoke about Prop 13 from the 1970s which put strict limits on property taxes. The current Proposition 15: “Split Roll” is designed to tax some commercial property based on its market value, rather than the price at which it was purchased. This would raise property taxes on many large businesses across the state, increasing funding for schools and local government. Jeff feels that the money raised wouldn't get to the schools and would be wrought with waste and abuse.

Moving on to immigration, Jeff feels that illegal immigrants will be able to vote and sway the election. He feels that we don’t know who they are, that they may be criminals or mentally impaired, and that they are a drain on our economy. He cited President Trump as his source claiming illegal immigration costs us $275 Billion per year.