Spindrift September 17, 2020
Dr. Bob Wood Editor
President George Lesley began the meeting a bit afternoon with a prayerful request to lessen the fire disaster and blessed Tom (95) and Jean (93) Naughton as they share what may be Tom’s final days. Seymour Beek led us in the pledge to the great flag seen here flying almost right over our tables on the BCYC patio.
President George proudly introduced new member Fran Murphy, who has been added to the roster which should be attached. See photo here of retired principal Fran.
Vice President Mitch Mitch-ell introduced our speaker, Karen Francis, who has a B.S. from UCI, an MS from UCLA, and history with helping non-profit foundations succeed. Today Karen was telling us with great enthusiasm and detail about the “Child Guidance Center.” It started here in 1967, and she has been associated for the last three years helping them raise funds to achieve their excellent goals. One of the features that make this center unique is that it emphasizes with mental illness in addition to other kinds of abuse.
The agency was started by psychologists as a hotline for mental illness and recognizes the problem that 50% have had problems by the age of 14, and 80% have seen various kinds of domestic abuse. Since COVID19, domestic violence is up 25% and suicides are up 200%, the second leading cause of death. The Child Guidance Center is a leading nonprofit dedicated to improving the mental health and well-being of children and families. They are proud to have a team of compassionate, professional, and multicultural clinicians to help. They have 100 professionals employed plus another 20 workings for the MS or PhD.
They help those dealing with grief and loss, help them to keep friends, and avoid being targeted for bullying. They provide parent-child interaction therapy using one-way mirrors to observe and instruct parents “in the moment” to address unwanted behaviors. They emphasize interacting with the same clinician each time.
Also, they have a special program for the unique needs of those who have served in the military – SF, SC, or Strong Families, Strong Children.