The sun broke through early in the day after what has seemed weeks of gloomy, foggy, overcast weather in Newport Beach. Last week’s meeting convened in the card room of the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. There were 19 of us in attendance, including two guests representing the City of Newport Beach: Nancy Gardner and Jim Campbell. Our president, Ken DuFour attempted to begin the meeting with an opening prayer, but as our heads were bowed and Ken began with “Dear Lord”, the speaker on our audiovisual equipment announced “Power ON!” Ken responded with “Amen!” Roy Shlemon led us in the Salute to the Flag.

Nancy Gardner
booklet which was published by the Exchange Club of Culver City, one of the more active clubs in the CA/NV District detailing their program and events over the past year. He passed it around for all to see…..Ken announced two upcoming conventions. The CA/NV District Convention will be held on June 24th and 25th in Las Vegas, and the National will be held this year in Phoenix from July 12th through July 15th. Ken would like to see some of us attend these meetings…..Garry TeWinkle announced the third and final reading of the slate of Officers and Board members for the next Fiscal Year which were accepted by the voting membership as follows; President, Shirley Lashmett; President-Elect, Cynthia Strasmann; Vice-President of Programs, Dwayne (Mitch) Mitchell; Treasurer, Dr. Bob Wood; Secretary, Roy Shlemon. Board of Directors, One Year Term: Leo Fracalosy, George Lesley, and Ross Stewart. Two Year Term Directors: Joe Brown, Dave Schapiro, and Richard Swinney.
Our Program Czar, Mitch Mitchell, introduced today’s speaker. Nancy Gardner, a former Mayor and City Council member of the City of Newport Beach, who is currently the Chair of the General Plan Update Steering Committee for the City. She was accompanied by Jim Campbell, who is the N.B. Deputy Director of Community Development. Nancy presented the vision of the City’s Planning Commission (NBPC) as a beautiful residential community with a high quality of life, and with checks and balances among businesses, residents, and visitors. The Commission emphasizes a vibrant business community but not at the expense of its residents. NBPC has identified 10 elements, all of which have equal importance with respect to planning: (1) Land Use and Development; (2) Housing; (3) Natural Resources; (4) Harbor and Bay; (5) Safety; (6) Circulation; (7) Arts and Cultural; (8) Recreational Facilities; (9) Historical Resources; and (10) Noise (Airport). Most of Nancy’s discussion focused on the housing issues in the State of California.

Jim Campbell
Nancy discussed the State mandate for Newport Beach to outline a plan for the construction of affordable housing. The State is requiring that the City allocate 4,845 housing units which will accommodate “low income” families in N.B., ranging from $75,900 for a single-person family to $108,400 for a 4-person household. It was and has been the duty of the Planning Commission to develop the plan for housing which is acceptable to the State but its implementation would be the responsibility of private land developers who would bid on the projects. If market conditions are such that developers show no interest in taking on a project, the City will be bearing no responsibility as long as they have not created any impediments (for example, difficulties in getting permits, zoning problems, etc.) for the land development. The City has mapped out 5 potential sites for low- income housing development: West Newport-Mesa, Dover/ Westcliff, Newport Center, Coyote Canyon, and the Airport Area. The objective would be to create housing for lower-income individuals and families who work in Newport Beach, but who cannot afford to live here. “Work Force Tenants”, consisting of service workers, construction workers, professionals, caregivers, young people, and seniors would need not only housing, but also the option of walking to work instead of driving a car; with grocery stores and other business amenities nearby; and with schools and recreational facilities, such as parks, common areas and playgrounds. NBPC’s visionary plan is subject to discussion and debate; Nancy is asking for new or different ideas to make it work. The NBPC has meetings on the first Wednesday of every month at 6pm at the Civic Center. The Commission is in the process of hiring consultants who would have a broad range of responsibilities and outreach capabilities.

Jim & Ken
Nancy is asking for any constructive ideas or input that you as residents may have to support these programs and to generate ideas which would be improvements to what they currently have. You can contact Nancy at and Jim at
The proceeds of this week’s raffle were shared by Roy Shlemon and Garry TeWinkle. Each took home about $20.
Apr 27 – Business Meeting

Pres. Ken DuFour