Editor Dr. Bob Wood
In the absence of President Ken who said he might have jury duty, Secretary and Past President Richard Swinney ran this exciting meeting with a heartfelt invocation, a patriotic pledge by Deane Bottorf, and a dozen wonderful wives joining us for Ladies Day to hear our special speaker. We were blessed to have with us today Gina Lesley, Jeanne Nininger, Paula Kruse, Betty Bottorf, Lorrie DuFour, Carol Fracalosy, Susie Mitchell, Barbara Ryan, Dennie Schapiro, Carol Smith, Jody Swinney, and Jean Naughton. There was no prize for who had been married the longest, but there were some amazing records revealed. In addition, Mitch brought two of his grandchildren Ella and Emma, soccer players at San Clemente High school, shown here with wife Susie.

ANNOUNCEMENTS – The Club promotional video was shown for the first time and got applause. Script by Jerry Nininger, initiative by Jeff Yeargain, and production by Bob Wood and Steve Kosch of The Video Editor. A slightly modified version will go on the current website, www.nhexchange.net and we’ll get some exposure, especially if we can get people to go to our website!

PROGRAM – was by Opal Singleton, CEO of Million Kids who presented her message with fiery determination and solid sincerity. Opal has taken up a challenge that we share, and that is controlling the sextortion associated with blackmailing and human trafficking. She made us realize that the world our younger ones live in is a world dominated by cell phones and clever criminals. One of the troubles is that kids today seem to often believe that if it’s on the Internet, it’s “not real.”
We are living in the most important time in history where the entire world will be able to reach everyone. Even two-year-olds go to sleep with a cell phone, and the data says that 87% of teenagers sleep with their phones. The problem often starts with a friendly handsome person asking for a nude photo. And from then on, its blackmail, seduction and worse. When you press “send” these days, your naked photo may go to a million people. The app TikTok has now passed Facebook as the most popular, and kids in China can make a day’s wages with just the right nude photo. Opal is doing something about it. She broadcasts her message several times a day personally, and has a specific plan for a 44-minute movie to be called, “Impact: Our Place in History.” Homeland Security has a sizable effort aimed at “crimes against children.” Your board is working out the arrangements to support a Million Kids plan, believing that this is a very good cause.

RAFFLE – Football books are still on sale next at some really good prices…and the raffle winners were $10 lucky Gina Lesley and $20 lucky Garry TeWinkle.

GREETER – Leo Fracalosy. Leo lived upstairs from a funeral home on a tough street in Paterson, New Jersey, where he began exercising, mostly his 2nd amendment rights. He also moved dead bodies, but finally loaded his family into the old 1928 Essex and moved himself to California. Carving his first successful career as coach and business teacher at Villa Park High School, he finally decided to go for the dough and built his “giant” physical therapy empire here. He joined Exchange in ’07 and is now a Past President and currently serves on the Board as the Chair of Community Service. Leo and Carol usually host our Christmas party and we love them for it. He’ll take your two bucks anyway for two raffle tickets.
Annual Activity Calendar:
July National Convention Membership Drive | October Crime Prevention Month | January ECNH Birthday Education Meeting | April Child Abuse Prevention Month Club Elections Book of Golden Deeds A.C.E Award Youth of the Year |
August Membership Drive | November One Nation Under God Proudly We Hail Movie Benefit | February Community Service Month | May Freedom Shrine Month Give A Kid A Flag To Wave Young Citizenship Award Field of Honor |
September Sports Books Membership Drive | December Christmas Party Santa School Program Families Helping Families | March National Exchange Birthday Club Nominations | June Milestones of Freedom Installation Banquet District Convention |