Our meeting last Thursday was scheduled as a business meeting, and 23 members were in attendance, with no guests or speakers present. President Shirley Lashmett called on Gina Lesley to give the invocation, during which she asked for the opportunities for us to do our best to make the world a better place, where there is freedom from hunger, sickness and oppression, and where we have peace and tranquility. Mike Newcomb led us in the flag salute. Lunch consisted of a salad followed by a cheeseburger and fries. Yummy! One member commented that this week’s lunch was among the better entrees that we had recently.


Gina Lesley relayed the details of the Summer Luau/Party, which was held Friday at the Newport Shores Community Center, across the street from George and Gina’s home. If you attended but haven’t paid the admission fee of $20 per person, please make sure to pay Dr. Bob…..Dr. Bob also began sales of this year’s Football Books, which are priced at $24 (cash or check) for the first book, 5 books for $100, with a maximum of 10 books per member…..Shirley mentioned the Installation Dinner, which is scheduled for Tuesday, August 29 at 6 pm at Gulliver’s. If you haven’t signed up yet, contact Shirley…..Shirley announced the tentative Board approval of two new prospective members, Lauretta Stansfield and Barbara Kirkham, both of whom are active at the Oasis Senior Center and are sponsored by Ed Romeo. If anyone has any objections to the membership of either candidate, please contact Richard Swinney before August 24….. Past-President Ken DuFour and Shirley attended the most recent meeting of the South County Exchange, at which time the movie “Sound of Freedom” was discussed as a potential fundraiser directly addressing the issue of sex trafficking. South County expressed an interest in joining us if we choose to pursue it. Ken indicated that the goal would be to expand the base for people to see this movie throughout the OC…..This week we are celebrating the birthday of Mike Newcomb, our only
member who has a birthday during this month…..Shirley announced that there will be a 2024 Field of Honor Kickoff meeting at 11am, immediately preceding next week’s luncheon. Please plan on attending!….Cynthia Strasmann is looking for someone to monitor the emails which appear on the club’s website. Please contact her if you are willing to volunteer…..The Club is still looking for someone to store and transport the audiovisual equipment which will be used during our weekly meetings. Again, please contact Shirley or Ken if interested.


Shirley Lashmett noted that a copy of the Minutes of the last BOD Meeting was emailed to all members, along with the Treasurer’s Report for the month of July. Shirley and our Treasurer, Dr. Bob Wood asked for questions or commentary and received none, so the Club had its shortest Business meeting in history!


The winners of this week’s raffle were Mike Call and George Lesley. Each went home with $27. President Shirley’s “Thought for the Day” – “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is courage to continue that counts” – Winston Churchill


There were 35 combined members and their spouses/significant others who were in attendance; along with 15 special guests from the Ukraine, accompanied by Victoria Gillis, their Orange County sponsor and advocate. The weather was excellent, the food was great (both American and Ukrainian), and the Mai Tais were quite potent!

Besides members of the Ukrainian family who have been regularly attending our luncheons over the past month or so, there were a good number of people who represented other Ukrainian families as well. Victoria made a brief presentation on behalf of her delegation and mentioned that most of them didn’t know each other before they arrived in the U.S.A.; and they may come here under different circumstances. For example “Dasha”, was vacationing in Cuba with her husband, “Sasha” when the war broke out last year, and they never went back. Others came as refugees after the war began. They all had one thing in common: all left their homes, families and friends, and their possessions. Some are hoping to be able to go back after the war is over. All are grateful for having been given safe harbor here in the U.S.A.

Thank you, Gina and George, and all their helpful neighbors, and for those who helped with the setup and cleanup, for making this function a success!