Our luncheon meeting Feb 13 will be at the Newport Beach Yacht Club, 1099 Bayside Drive. The meeting was called to order and George Lesley led us in prayer for those who passed away in the tragic helicopter crash that took 7 lives and prayer for halting the corona-virus.

Roger Summers
is an Honored Guest, introduced by Mike Gertner. You’ll get to know more about him in the next column.

rogersummers billbechtel

Bill Bechtel
continues Bob Robins’ traditional Superbowl Pool! As you might know, this pool has lots of crazy scoring to it. The results are meticulously brought together, winners and losers identified and the ballots securely shredded and hermetically sealed in a zip lock back with no fraud detected!

Don Smith got perhaps the best prize by getting the low score – an authentic James Lofton signed Football Hall of Fame cap. Very nice, Don!

Spindrift 20200213

It ends up that three people tied for first so the pool got split in tie break: Leo Fracalosy 1st $45, Bob Wood 2nd $30, Bob Kinton 3rd $20.

Richard Swinney ordered 300 more replacement flags and is revamping the banners. VALENTINE’S FUNDRAISER
Our first Valentine’s fundraiser is Friday, Feb, 14. We are right at breakeven for this new fundraiser. Please consider going to support our continuing operations.

As we’ve gained many new members over the last few years, it’s helpful for even long time members to give a talk. So we ask our newer members and some long time members for a bio today.

Roger Summers is not a member (yet) but he was asked to tell us about himself. Roger was born in Pasadena and moved to a lot on Balboa Island in 1946.


Completing his Mormon mission in Canada, he came back and married his wife 57 years ago. Roger was the Bishop at Newport Beach First Ward for 6 years.

They have five children, three boys, two girls and they all went to Newport Harbor High. All three boys are Eagle Scouts and Roger is as well, that is an incredibly rare accomplishment!

He’s a General Contractor, still working; but not on your homes, he’s not a Residential Contractor. He’s looking forward to being helpful in our community.

Thanks for the great intro talk Roger! We’re looking forward to getting to know you!


Bruce Major has been a member since 2018 and he graciously volunteered to give us BS. So here’s his Background Story: He’s got one wife and two kids. His son is an FBI agent and his daughter is up to something your re-porter didn’t get to write down.

Born and raised in Huntington, NY, Bruce went to college for three months, dropped out and went to Ft. Lauderdale. He soon joined the Marine Corps for a short 24-year tour. In his career, he flew a lot and after that, he went to work for Boeing. After he retired almost entirely, he took on his second career as a golf course starter.

An interesting thing about Bruce that we found out today is that he lost focus in his right eye. Many years ago, he woke up and his eye just wouldn’t bring objects into focus. Many doctors and tests revealed that they don’t know what the heck happened or how to fix it.

We all voted and the aye’s have it… you gave a nice talk! See what your editor did there? Eye think you do!

Seymore Beek’s family has lived here since forever. Seymore went to work for Douglas as an Engineer then worked for Ford Aeroneutronic. He retired from the defense industrial complex in 1990 to run the family business. The Balboa Island Ferry is a local landmark that the Beeks created to serve the community.

The Beek family is prodigious; at one time the Beeks had students enrolled in local schools for 16 contiguous school years. Amazing! Seymore did his part, having four boys and one girl. His kids are grown and he’s been with his girlfriend for ten years.

Mayor Will O’Neill was the youngest member ever on the City Council. Now, he’s the youngest Mayor in the history of Newport Beach.

Will’s father is a Judge and his mother is a Regional VP for the YMCA. It’s clear to your editor that this background explains his rise in service and capability for judicious leader-ship. Jenny and Will have a young daughter and son. They married in 2007. Will’s wife, Jenny, is a former elementary school teacher and USC graduate.

seymorebeck beek family

Will and Jenny are passing along their service orientation to their two children, just as their parents did with them. Here’s how Will summarizes who he is on his website: “Their two children, ages 7 and 5, serve as a constant inspiration to model service, integrity, and determination.”

Thanks for your talks and your service to our community Gentlemen!


Raffle – Bob Wood $10, Jim Fournier $20


GREETER THIS WEEK Deane Bottorf is a retired musician, funny, and is an all-around great guy! Give him two bucks to remind him of his days of busking. You may be rewarded for it!