The New Year started with the meeting at 12:14, with new President Ken DuFour asking Marj Davis to provide an invocation. She did that while admiring our beautiful bay, savoring our freedom, and asking for blessings for our Club. Dave Schapiro patriotically led us in the salute to our flag.
Wally Ziglar gave us a two-minute quiz: how many of our presidents died on a July 4? All the tables except for Wally’s answered: TWO. However, the correct answer is THREE, because, besides Adams and Jefferson who died within a few hours of each other, James Monroe also died on July 4 several years later.A signup sheet for our installation dinner on the 23rd of July was circulated and everyone was reminded of the event.The next meeting will be at the BCYC, with a Board meeting shortly after 1:30.
Sean Levin, Newport Beach’s Director of Parks and Recreation, was introduced by Ed Romeo, because they had worked so well together helping develop the services of Oasis over many years. Sean is replacing Laura Detweiler who has retired, and he gave us a very upbeat summary of the wonderful services offered to Newport Beach citizens.
The stated goal of the Recreation and Senior Services is “To enhance the quality of life by providing diverse opportunities in safe and well-maintained facilities, open spaces and parks. We pledge to respond to community needs by creating quality educational, environmental, recreational, cultural and social programs for people of all ages.” We spend 13.6 million dollars annually and get 5.5 million to support 43 staff and 150 contractors. We have 65 parks in Newport Beach, and please be sure and not miss Buck Gulley, a real gem, a special jewel. We have a huge number of recreational facilities, with 20 tennis courts, six handball courts, 24 basketball courts, 19 softball/ baseball infields, and four pickleball courts. Plus leases with Newport Theatre Art Center – East Bluff Boys and Girls Club – Lawn Bowling – Girl Scouts.
Oasis does seven specific different things: programs, fitness center, clubs, transportation, social services, meals on wheels, and Friends of Oasis. The fitness center is state of the art, and anyone who is 50 or more can join for a nominal fee. I joined at 51. Ed’s testimony of using it for 25 years is a great example. Transportation for those who can’t drive is a lifesaver. A huge variety of classes are available as described in the Newport Navigator. They offer gardening and safety, for example.
Ridge to share their property to put up eight new pickle-ball courts, and it’s working very well, with 6 of them open to the public, and two for their use. By the way, four pickle-ball courts take up the same space as one tennis court.
Another new idea we’re pursuing is to be able to access Sunset View Park with a pedestrian bridge over Superior Avenue from new parking. See the nearby sketch of the plan. However, bids were two million dollars over budget, so it will be re-quoted.

Sunset View Park

Bridge over Superior Avenue

Sean Levin and Pres. Ken DuFour
How is this all managed? There is an Advisory Committee to the City Council, which advises City Council in all matters pertaining to parks, beaches, recreation, parkways and street trees, assists in the planning of parks and recreation programs, makes recommendations for improvement of parks, beaches and playgrounds and our urban forest. (Member) Diane Daruty is the Chair of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Committee. There are 11 committee centers, some are staffed. Parks are open to everyone.
Sean, we really appreciated your high powered and legible presentation material and reveled in the clarity of your words. Thanks for sharing with us the wonderful opportunities we have in Newport Beach.
July 14 – Joe Stapleton, Candidate for NB City Council

Pres. Mike Gertner