Incoming President Mike Gertner asked Wally Ziglar to lead us in the Flag Salute, then President-elect Ken DuFour asked God to help our leaders do the “right” thing. It you were there, you might have caught some innuendos that surely God would have understood.
Dr. Bob Wood presented Past President Jim Fournier’s 3 minute video of our fun installation event a couple of weeks ago. Thanks, Jim for tak- ing the time to edit this and share it with the Club.
Wally Ziglar presented Andrew Shortt, shown here.

Andrew Shortt and Wally Ziglar
Last week’s guest. Donna Shockley also attended.

Donna Shockley
Club member Patricia Wenskunas presented her very personal story of why she started her non-profit company, Crime Survivors, 18 years ago, when she survived a deliberate attempt at rape and murder. She knew that God had given her the greatest gift, to thrive and break the circle of torment that thousands of people have when they survive violent attacks and often find that even when their attackers are found guilty, they often get no sentence appropriate for their crimes. Re- cently Prop 57 has changed definitions such that being drugged then raped is only a misdemeanor!
Crime Survivors uses law enforcement as the primary link to locate those who need help. Sometimes the help is physical, such as gift cards, gas cards, or donated space in a resource center. There was one occasion when the victim had to be moved to another bedroom and Crime Survivors provided the beds, sheets, and pillows.Today’s narrative is changing drastically, such that if a person points a gun at a police officer, who draws, then shoots the person, the policeman may be charged with murder.
Hope, faith, and love are the corner-stones of the Crime Survivor mission to promote awareness, advocacy, prevention, and healing. Their vision is “for victims of crime to recover from their experience mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially, by receiving respect, support and protection from law enforcement, the judicial system and the community.”

Patricia Wenskunas
• We believe that no one should feel
abandoned or alone and that every person is deserving of love, respect and dignity.
• We believe that the best way to help others with hope and healing is to work in partnership with our community, law enforcement, elected leader and members of the media.
• We believe that all of us together can lift each other out of darkness and into the light of a restored heart and life.
• We believe that every broken heart, every wound can be healed with love and a strong community of support.
• We believe in hopeful healing.
• We believe that with faith, there is always hope. Financially, they depend on donations
from those who are enthusiastic about the great work they do. During the pandemic for example, they helped 330 families at Christmas, donated laptops, facilitated zoom meetings, hosted suicide trainings. Furthermore, more than 90% of their budget goes to those needing the help directly.
From Dr. Bob Wood, your Treasurer, Bulletin Editor, Roster Chair, and Football Chair: Treasurer: Dues are sent out at the beginning of every quarter for the following three months. These dues include lunch.
*We accept credit cards but strongly prefer checks in response to invoices mailed to the address on the roster. Minimize cash except during football season.
Roster: Contains preferably two phone numbers that really work as well as an email and shows your preferred profession- al or club association. We would like to know your birthday month and day to help you celebrate. Published when changed.
Bulletin: Page four of the bulletin identifies the 11 board members and displays the committee chairs as they were last known. New members are encouraged to attend a board meeting, which are not “secret” from members although they are proprietary to Club business.
Football: The California/Nevada District of Exchange lets us buy football books for resale to you during the season. We price them to maximize your winnings and minimize our losses. Participation is optional, only if you enjoy it. We typically have a Club football pool that is unrelated. Some members play both.
Jul 15 – Business meeting, no guests pleaseJul 22 – Corey Vigil “Children and Veterans
Emergency Assistance”Jul 29 – Dr. Bob Wood, “The Truth about UFOs”Luncheon meetings at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club have resumed, with indoor seating in one of the banquet rooms. Lunch will be served at 12:20 pm. You will be emailed an invitation two days before the meeting. Please notify Richard Swinney by this Wed 2PM if you are planning on attending.