On 16 June, Ken DuFour opened the meeting, asking Dave Schapiro to offer a blessing, and Jerry Nininger leading the Pledge of Allegiance. On 25 June I wasn’t there, sick with the flu but I sent Lynda with the equipment, and she met with Ed Romeo, Bill Bechtel, and Duncan Forgey who carried in the equipment. She and another person bought a copy of Duncan’s new book, shown here.


Ken reported a signup sheet for the installation dinner on Saturday, 23 July, 5PM at the BCYC. Richard also reported on the Recent Field of Honor was a big success this year, in multiple ways, due to the dedication of just a few members. And more members helping would make this easier for few that are there EVERY SINGLE DAY.Ken DuFour reported that we placed 247 flags around the Santa Ana old Courthouse for Flag day, and that it was a beautiful success appearance-wise and also financially, yielding a $3,000 profit for the Field of Honor, which will gross about $54K. See photo next column.


Duncan Forgey, our member from Kauai, HI, spoke to us largely about the key people who made Newport Beach the wonderful place. Instead of being taken in by the dollar and keeping up with the Jones’, this club knows the deep soul of Newport Beach, taking pride is being the largest small boat harbor in the West. Here are some of the key people in our history. William S. Collins was the one who had the idea of dredging the harbor, thereby creating Collins island and Castle Island. Then came James Cagney (1938-48) who, together with Bill acquired the property that became Hoag Hospital. The U.S. Navy was involved in Collins Island as well. Robert Beacham was our “friendly credit dentist.” Dana Point became a harbor. Then came anti-growth Jean Watt, leading the charge to prevent Newport Beach being ringed with high rises. She was the “soul for the City.” John and Donna Crean (member of our club, former Navy) was mechanically adapted, and created a better Venetian blind, got into motor homes and located in upper Newport Beach. He put on a TV cooking show, “At Home on the Range.” Henry Samuels created Broadcom, a success that involved Bill and Melinda Gates.

Then came Don Bren, the aggressive figure for the Irvine Company, creating thousands of homes in Mission Viejo and Newport Coast. Harbor island, and the home of John Wayne and the giant cars like Dennis Rodman’s.. Then the Beek family, running the ferry boat for 116 years, and the Robins Family, and the Warmington Family. The unforgettable Paul Salada, Dorothy Yardley and he Balboa Bay Club. Don’t forget Art Gronsky of the Pavilion, and Art’s Landing. Restauranteurs, clergy, and the loss of lifeguard Ben Carlson and Police Officer Bob Henry. The EXNH has Ed Romeo. Walter Crowell was the Postmaster of NB. Then Evelyn Hart and Oasis with 4000 to 6000 members. Are we the “City of the Year”? Thank you, Duncan, for your perception of our City’s history.

PROGRAM for 24 June

Our speaker was the man who manages our money, Bob Rotstan summarized his overall (very) successful procedure of buying or selling when we are close to two or three sigma from the maximum change in value. According to notes taken during his talk, It will be a bear market for about 15 months, with a stagnant economy with inflation. Bob thinks that the markets are resilient and will recover. It might go down about 22%, but our club’s holdings will sink only 14%. With inflation rising, expect rates to go to 3.75%. Uncertainty factors include the Russian capture of Ukraine’s wheat production. Expect possible gas lines like the 70’s due to the OPEC increased oil cost. Thank you, Bob, for the timely update.

247 of our flags at the Old Courthouse, Santa Ana in honor of Flag Day


This week’s meeting will be “Spouses Day”, so please alert them to come and respond to Richard’s request for attendance so we have enough food. We’re at the BCYC. See page 1.

Editor Bob Wood



 June 30 –  Mother and Son, Escape from the Ukraine

Pres. Mike Gertner

This week we will be at the Bahia Corinthia Yacht Pres. Mike Gertner Club. Lunch will be served at 12:10 pm. You have
been emailed an invitation two days before the meeting. Please notify Richard Swinney by this Wed 2 PM if you are planning on attending.