President Mike called the meeting to order with an invocation from Wally Ziglar, who urged God to help the Ukrainians. Roy Shlemon led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Three Honored guests were introduced, Scott Terry (here last week), Lynn Hackman, both guests of Roger Summers, and Michael Call, guest of Ken DuFour.

Scott Terry and Lynn Hackman

Michael Call
Was introduced by Mitch Mitchell. Scott Swift was our speaker, 20 years with IBM, grew up in La Habra, degree from Cal State Fullerton, married 22 years and has one son, who has autism and epilepsy.
Scott has been involved in 15 startups as a co-founder. His story starts with his own son, who was a spark plug to form Teen Health, Inc, a non-profit that “encourages teens and young adults to reach their full potential in all areas of life.” Teen Health has three goals: support individuals with disabilities; open teen outdoor adventure centers in CA; and to establish a fundraising engine. It turns out that long distance cycling is a very good adventure, and teens will be taking corporate sponsored trips to Iceland’s Ring Road, the East Coast Greenway (1000 miles, 18 states), and 2500 miles on Route 66.

Scott Swift, President Teen Health, Inc.
The data for teen health shows that 20% of teens have a mental health condition, 50% of them don’t graduate from high school, and 70% are involved in crimes. When autism is the cause of the problem, the data show that its occurrence is 178% greater than in the year 2000. In 2021, about one in 44 kids have autism in the U.S.
The scope of outdoor activities is not limited to long-distance cycling, but also includes the entire spectrum of swimming, hiking, backpacking. Teen Health also pro- vides for spaces to decompress, and food banks at art centers. Sponsors so far include Mariner’s Church, UCI, Hope Harbor andWorld Bicycle Relief.
The Q and A included a query from Leo Fracalosy whether a genetic component was involved in autism. Answer, yes, but environmental factors are also present. Are boys more involved that girls? Answer: yes, four out of five are boys.
Thanks, Scott, for sharing your program with us.

Marj Davis and Leo Fracalosy
WINNERS – Roy Shlemon and Jeff Yeargain each won over $20, but the fantastic patriotic shirt went to Richard Swinney, Chair of the Field of Honor.
THIS WEEKThis coming Thursday is the Youth of the Year presentations, chaired by Jerry Nininger. The student winners, counselors and some parents will be present. Don’t miss it!
Interim Field of Honor sales by Internet from our website, reported by Bob Wood, are 60 flags dedicated, two weeks before the opening day on 20 June.

Scott Swift and President Mike Gertner
This Spindrift will have attached a blank page for you to fill out if you, as a member, have yet to dedicate a flag.
It is also exceptionally easy to do it by going to our website at .Shown below are two images from past Fields of Honor.
May 12 – Youth of the YearMay 19 – Business Meeting May 26 – Accepting the Challenge of ExcellenceThis week we will be at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. Lunch will be served at 12:20 pm. You will be emailed an invitation two days before the meeting. Please notify Richard Swinney by this Wed 2 PM if you are planning on attending.