The 27 people who attended the luau last Saturday afternoon were treated to a fun event, punctuated by the pretty potent MaiTais that were the primary beverage consumed.

L to R: Lorrie Levin, Garry Tewinkle, W.C. Fox, Marj Tewinkle, Jody Swinney, Richard Swinney

The event was held in Newport Shores on the beach adjoining the lagoon at the clubhouse right across the street from the home of George and Gina Lesley; it was a beautiful day and a great venue! Kudos to Gina, who hosted, organized and coordinated the event; and for the assistance of Mike Call, who helped with the cleanup.


Our meeting was held in the card room on the 2nd floor of the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, overlooking the back bay of Newport Harbor. There were 22 in attendance, including Judy Aprile, our speaker for the day, and her husband, Ron Burke. Pres. Ken DuFour opened the meeting with a plea to our Almighty Father to help heal Wally Ziglar, who recently underwent an extensive Mohs procedure on his leg. Dave Schapiro then led the salute to Old Glory, followed by a pretty good lunch, consisting of a salad and a Mexican style plate of carnitas, enchiladas, and steamed veggies.


Upstairs View From the Bahia Corinthian

Dr. Bob Wood promoted the sale of this season’s Monday Night Football Books, and he left a few at each table for purchase. This fundraiser benefits the CA/NV District Exchange as well as our club, the proceeds of which go to sponsor our Youth Programs. Please contact Dr. Bob if you are interested in purchasing books, which cost $24 for one, $46 for 2, etc., etc. The first game will be between the Rams and Buffalo Bills on September 8…..Shirley Lashmett announced that, at next week’s meeting, she will be selling $100 reverse raffle tickets for this year’s fundraiser sponsored by the South O.C. Exchange Club. Only 150 tickets will be sold, and the last ticket picked in the reverse raffle will win $5,000. Bring your checkbooks to next week’s meeting!…..Gina Lesley reported that the club made $400-$500 at our Luau last weekend, and that she will give you her recipe for the lemon cheesecake if you are interested!


Ed Romeo, long-time member of our club and emeritus executive of the Oasis Senior Center, had the privilege of introducing our speaker, Judy Aprile, who is the Group Exercise Instructor at Oasis. Ed mentioned that he has been attending exercise sessions with Judy for 20 years or so, and attributes his health in part to this exercise and training. One of the major issues involving the elderly is falls, and the exercises that Judy teaches are designed to help with balance and stability. The topic of her presentation is “Walking Tall.”

L to R: Dr. Bob Wood, Judy Aprile Gina Lesley, Mike Calln

Judy started by having everybody place their right hand on their nose, and their left hand on their right ear, and then left hand to nose, right hand to left ear. She continued with chair exercises, including tapping the toes, lifting the feet with heels on the ground, and jumping movements while sitting. She discussed good posture when walking, including standing tall and straight as if there is a string attached to the top of your head. She mentioned that the proper way to stand is with feet apart so that your ankles are roughly above the hips. If you stand with your feet together, you need to exert a lot more control to maintain balance if you are bumped from the side. You should be able to draw a straight line from ankle to hips to head. If you lean forward while standing or walking, you place a greater load and strain on the neck. Arms and shoulders should be relaxed, rather than tensing up. You should take long strides, eyes focused ahead, not looking down. When going forward, your heels should be touching the floor first, and you should be lifting your feet high enough so that you can see part of the soles of your shoes from the front.

It is very important to wear shoes which have closed toes and with closed heels and thin soles to maintain balance and avoid tripping. Flip-flops, especially those with thick soles, are not recommended for those who have balance problems, even at home. This becomes especially important in homes who have multiple floors.

Those who are on regular exercise programs are less prone to falls.

You should be exercising your ankles by both lifting your toes as well as lifting your heels when sitting; you can march in place while sitting, moving both your arms and legs. You also can keep your legs strong by lifting your legs up, doing jumping jacks (arms together, legs together) and jumping jills (arms together, legs apart) while sitting. Another exercise she demonstrated is a combination of marching, jumping jacks and jumping jills for cognition training.

Leg strength is important; if hospitalized, they won’t let you home unless you can get up and walk to the bathroom. A measure of leg strength is the 30-second test of how many times you can stand from a sitting position with your arms crossed over your chest. Another way to improve strength is taking stairs when you can. This involves using your ankles as well as leg lifts.

L to R: Ken DuFour, Judy Aprile, Ed Romeo And Ross Stewart

To summarize: walking with legs apart aligned with the hips, long strides, heels touching the ground first, straight forward, appropriate footwear. If you have any questions, you can contact Judy at the Oasis Senior Center.


Our Pres. Elect, Shirley Lashmett sold enough tickets for Dr. Bob Wood and guest Ron Burke, to go home with $25 each in winnings.



Sept 1   –   Jeff Bott, Toll Roads of California    

Pres. Ken DuFour

Sept 8   –   Tom Johnson, Editor StuNews Newport Sept 15   –   Business Meeting Sept 22   –   Erik Weigand, Candidate for Newport
Beach City Council District 3
Sept 29   –   Kate Malouf, Teen Project This week we will be at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. Lunch will be served at 12:20 p.m. You will be emailed an invitation two days before the meeting. Please notify Rich- ard Swinney immediately if you are planning on attending.

Diane Daruty, Editor

Diane Daruty, Editor