Was by Pres-Elect Ken DuFour in the absence of Pres. Mike Gertner, who graciously agreed not to in- fect any of us with COVID. However, he’s getting better and will be back ASAP. Ken’s invocation urged us to respect the wonderful things we have right here; the men and women who protect us; and also bless the relatives of those members we have lost in this last year.
Ken displayed his enthusiasm for members who will be coming to the weekend District Convention at a special rate. August birthdays included
Pool, Nininger and Yeargain whose names were on Ken’s printer at home. Special guests were introduced by Shirley Lashmett: Leif Wilhaven the speaker and John Blythe, Past District President. Secretary Richard Swinney summarized the highlights of the recent Board meeting, mentioning some recent donation decisions: $10,000 to Back Bay Monte Vista PTSA for five specific projects, $10,890 to the Exchange Family Support Center, and $7,000 to the Newport Beach 1/1 Foundation.

DuFour, Demmer, Smith, Lesley, Young (hidden), Lesley, Swinney, Yeargain, Von Herzen, Weilhaven, Mitchell, Wood, Lashmett, Schapiro, Romeo, TeWinkle (hidden), Stewart, Ziglar, Brown, Boardman, Shlemon
Was presented by Leif Wilhaven who was introduced by Shirley Lashmett. Leif was elected Region 2 Vice President and is actively involved in helping 55 clubs in 11 states and has built 5 Clubs and 4 Exchange Excel Clubs. He lives in Billings, Montana and owns a marketing and motivation company. Leif’s enthusiasm for Exchange bubbled out of his animated presence, showing his passion for everything about Exchange, especially the healing fields, and support of veterans. He gave many examples of clubs formed in his region. Once you have the gift of joining a club, he urges us to “take your gift, and give it away” by starting another club.
Leif offered some very specific suggestions. For example, “anybody you write a check to” is someone you could invite to join. You should feel comfortable recruiting people both ten years younger and ten years older than you are. Think of breakfast, lunch or just a social hour for your new club’s meeting time. Make up a list of things to do for fun! Leif also enthused about the normal things a club should do, such as getting new members involved right away, have a “membership connect and recruit event”, and use tools from National Headquarters, “The ABCs of Membership”.
Sep 2 – Helen Cameron, “Progress on Ending Veterans’ Homelessness”
Sep 9 – Cynthia Strassman, “Youth Programs at the Back Bay High School.” Probable Board meeting after the meeting
Sep 16 – Business meeting, no guests, please
Luncheon meetings at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club have resumed, with indoor seating in one of the banquet rooms. Lunch will be served at 12:20 pm. You will be emailed an invitation two days before the meeting. Please notify Richard Swinney by this Wed 2 PM if you are planning on attending.