“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.” The Serenity Prayer by Leo Fracalosy began our great Spouses Day meeting, followed by the traditional Pledge of Allegiance. Our guests today were Lorrie Dufour, Dennie Schapiro, Pam Summers, Lynda Wood, Jeannie Nininger, Kathy Stewart, and Gina Lesley.
Past President Ken DuFour, on behalf of Secretary Richard Swinney, announced a sign-up sheet for our traditional donation to “Families Helping Families” sponsored by the Priority Center that we started last century to help prevent child abuse. The seven members who were zooming could call Richard and ask to be put down for a contribution. We had a nice attendance today, a total of 30 people, plus 7 zooming makes an attendance high of 37! A record since the pandemic started. (The World Health Organization announced recently that COVID-19 death rate is no worse than the normal flu! If this is true, you Zoomers could consider coming back for your “free” lunch. –Ed.)

Football Commissioner Mike Gertner announced the winners of week 4, with four tied for low, with visitor Kurt (son of Roger) Summers winning, with Roger himself winning second place. Four people tied for first, with Don Smith beating out Wally Ziglar for the winning pot.
Later, Shirley Lashmett announced the winners for the South Orange County 50-50 raffle, where 20 of our members participated, with Boardman, Stewart, and DuFour each winning $50, and Bob Wood got the lucky $100. Buddy Ryan came within one draw of being in the “final four.” Shirley also mentioned a good conversation with Bill Bechtel, who missed us lot but has been told by his doctors to stay away from people, which has definitely not been his usual mode for the last 20 years.
Introduced by Program VP Mitch Mitchell, we were informed about the great success that Big Brothers – Big Sisters is having on help those kids who need help. Cherylee Chaar, went to Colorado State and then Denver University for her law degree, and decided to put her power of persuasion in law to good use helping this wonderful organization, BB-BS. They try to match the boys or girls with adults. Founded in 1977 nationwide, in Orange County they have a budget of $8-9 million, and she is the CEO. Since she took over, they have tripled the revenue and have invested in 4000 kids in Orange County, with adult monitors, who “know what works.” They train the adults and check in on them regularly. Sixty-eight percent of the kids are below the poverty level, and 10% of the parents are in jail. They had one case of a 13-year old girl who couldn’t deal with the internet, and step by step they got her trained and now she’s way better. One student lived in a house with no refrigerator. Some 64% move academically upward and are delighted to accept a “living wage job.” Different career paths are encouraged, and not all students should go to a four-year university. The struggling kids often depend on their mentors.
In the Q and A, Q1, How many parents involved in OC? A. 3500-4000. Q2, Are teachers a source of finding those needing help? A. Definitely. Q3, What age range is involved? A. School ages. Q4, is the family of the mentee also involved? A. Definitely yes. Q5, How long and often are the mentors involved? A. Typically twice a month, usually for more than a year.
Thank you, Cherylee for summarizing the great impact that Big Brothers-Big Sisters is having on our community. See photo here with President George just before receiving our surprise American flag.

The attendance 50/50 ticket drawing yielded $46 to winner Dave Schapiro and $47 for the Club.
Thank you, Ken DuFour for getting the flag of the USSF (US Space Force) shown here, poised for the Field of Honor Ceremony.

Veterans, thank you for your data and photos. They have been sent to National for the Honor Wall recognition on Novem-ber 22.
—-Editor Bob Wood