President Mike Gertner started the business

Mike Gertner

meeting and asked Roger Summers to provide the invocation, and Leo Fracalosy to lead the Pledge.

He raised the issue of whether our club should be meeting two days before Christmas and New Years or not, and after some discussion, a vote was held and a substantial fraction of those attending voted to NOT have meetings on those days. He also announced that National, for the next month, is offering members with no National dues until January 4, together with no joining fee of $20. Great time to bring an Honored Guest!

We were delighted to have Dave Washer, Bob’s son, as our guest today.

Shirley Lashmett noted that the 50-50 raffle event this coming Saturday WILL require a reservation if you are able to attend.

Hapyy Birthday recipients for October

Ross Stewart read a letter from a friend and citizen of Newport Beach for 40 years, thanking us for our wonderful display of flags, amazed that they had never heard of it until recently.

Diane Daruty mentioned that on October 25 the City will probably be placing on the ballot the option to vote for having our Mayor be elected by the people, and that the items available to sign last week may not be required.

Leo Fracalosy celebrated his official birthday, shown here on a sign created by Cynthia Strasmann for all of our members and Friends of Exchange, Leo also noted with pride that he beat Bob Wood at bridge the other day.

Cynthia Strasmann

Wally Ziglar posed the question of which one person killed or captured the most Germans in one event and receive the Medal of Honor for it? Answer: Sergeant Alvin C. York, for attacking a machine gun nest in 1918 and capturing over 100 German soldiers.

Roger Summers expressed his appreciation to Wally, who arranged for the opportunity to attend the Marines Banquet, which was wonderful chance to observe and thank the Marine Corps and appreciate the won- derful things they do for us.

Mike Gertner read two letters of appreciation to our club: one from Someone Cares Food Kitchen for the $7500 we gave them, and one from the Principal of Monte Vista High School, thanking us for our support of their inspiring programs for the kids there.

Mike Gertner followed with the Football announcements, Gina Leslie getting her 2nd place award from last week. The last place award this week had a tie for the tie-breaker (1st time ever!) and Gina and Leo split it with 3 bucks each. Dave Schapiro won 2nd and Garry TeWinkle got first place with twenty bucks.

Richard Swinney presented the Secretary’s report, highlighting a few things. He noted that Dennie Schapiro has ovarian cancer, and that some prayers might help as she recovers from the treatments. He noted that the Christmas Party this year will be on December 11 at the home of Kurt and Cynthia Strasmann. Save the date. Costs and signups will be available next week.

Bob Wood gave a Treasurer’s report, thanking everyone but nine members for paying promptly. He noted that the Newport Rib is slightly more costly than the BCYC
Mitch Mitchell noted that on Nov 4, we will have Will O’Neill talking about the Mayor’s direct elections, on the 28th of October our School Board, and on Nov 11, we will hear from Paul Blank, our Harbormaster. Mitch thanked specially George, Gina and Diane for helpful inputs.

Shirley Lashmett said that she talked with Mike Campbell, who is still a bit nervous about coming but sends his greetings. She then wrapped up the drawing for the door prize, and the winning numbers went to Bob Wood and guest Dave Washer.

Dave and Bob Washer

Finally, Gina Lesley said they were still contemplating something like a Desert Trek, but to the Riverside Inn in Riverside. The routine rate is $339/night, but the group rate will be less. A majority of people raised their hands saying they might be interested in doing this in April or May.

Fran Murphy, Gail Demmer and Gina Lesley



Oct 28  –  Karen Yelsey, President Newport

Pres. Mike Gertner

Mesa Unified S School Board, “How NMUSD School Board is the Social and Emotional Needs of Students”Nov 4  –  Will O’Neil, Newport Beach City Council,
“Petition to Elect Newport Beach Mayor” Nov 11  –  Paul Blank, Newport Beach Harbormaster, “Changes in the Newport Beach Harbor”Luncheon meetings at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club have resumed, with indoor seating in one of the banquet rooms. Lunch will be served at 12:20 pm. You will be emailed an invitation two days before the meeting. Please notify Richard Swinney by this Wed 2 PM if you are planning on attending.