Archive for November 2020
Spindrift November 19, 2020
LUNCHEON President George Lesley continued his creative invocations by reading from the words of Theodore Roosevelt in 1910 that helped us think straight. If you Google Teddy Roosevelt quotes you will find some other great ones! Veteran Al Wach (Navy and Army both) led us in the flag salute. Dave Ryan Kurt Summers Shirley Lashmett…
Read MoreSpindrift November 12, 2020
LUNCHEON MEETING Our latest luncheon convened indoors at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, and Pres. George Lesley began with a very creative invocation. He passed the mic individually to all the attendees, who collectively contributed their thoughts and thanks to our Supreme Being for keeping us safe and healthy; for getting us (almost!!) through a…
Read MoreSpindrift October 29, 2020
LUNCHEON/ZOOM MEETING We are still having lunch indoors and we’re getting more comfortable in these difficult times of social distancing. Your reporter, in a lapse of judgement, asked people to take photos together. This was an undue risk that we took. We are successful as a species from diligence for reasonable precautions and learning from…
Read MoreSpindrift November 5, 2020
LUNCHEON / ZOOM MEETING “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.” The Serenity Prayer by Leo Fracalosy began our great Spouses Day meeting, followed by the traditional Pledge of Allegiance. Our guests today were Lorrie Dufour,…
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