Spindrift July 8, 2021
Luncheon President Mike Gertner began his term as presiding officer by directing our resident chaplain, Roger Summers to give the invocation. Roger expressed gratitude for ourcountry and its constitution; for our families; and for the food that we were about to partake. Craig Boardman then led the attendees in the pledge. There were 25 at the luncheon…
Read MoreSpindrift May 13, 2021
ZOOM/LIVE MEETING President George Lesley, having just returned from the Big Island, opened the meeting with a request that everyone be vaccinated to further reduce the restrictions which have put the clamps on our lifestyle over the past couple years; and that we respect others and follow the Golden Rule: “do unto others…” Mitch Mitchell…
Read MoreSpindrift April 15, 2021
ZOOM/LIVE MEETING Starting right at 12:15, President George Lesley provided an invocation: “In Hastings, Nebraska, a group of farmers gathered for breakfast. Farmer Arthur led the prayer. ‘Lord, I hate buttermilk, lard, and flour, but know when they’re mixed and baked, they become warm biscuits,’ he prayed. ‘Lord, when life gets hard and we don’t…
Read MoreSpindrift April 8, 2021
ZOOM/LIVE MEETING President George Lesley began the meeting with an expression of gratitude to God for our continuing health; for the success of our COVID-19 vaccination programs; and that we continue to follow the rules in order to put the pandemic behind us. George then asked for rain, but not on the weekends! Shirley Lashmett…
Read MoreSpindrift March 18, 2021
ZOOM/LIVE MEETING With the promise of meeting indoors, we had excel-lent attendance of about 20 people. We planned on meeting indoors but unfortunately we were misinformed and we met outside on a very chilly day! We’re told that we will be meeting indoors on the 18th though and we’re looking forward to that! Some of…
Read MoreSpindrift March 11, 2021
The meeting began with an invocation led by Dr. Bob, who noted that, in these troubling times, we are grateful for the beautiful community and for our great nation in which we live. He asked for heavenly guidance to our leaders to know the difference between right and wrong, to our Club’s commitment to recognizing…
Read MoreSpindrift March 4, 2021
ZOOM/LIVE MEETING! Beginning at about 12:10, President George Lesley opened with a thoughtful prayer of appreciation for the blessings we have been given, followed by the salute to the flag led by Ed Romeo. George’s weekly quiz posed solar system questions on the number of craft we have sent to Mars (5), how far is…
Read MoreSpindrift February 25, 2021
ZOOM Starting at about 12:15 for the Zoomers and the 17 members in attendance, President George asked reliable Ken DuFour to offer some invocational words, which included a blessing for Paula Kruse, followed by the pledge to our flag brought right to our meeting by reliable Roy Shlemon. George warmed up our minds with Olympics…
Read MoreSpindrift February 4, 2021
Roy Shlemon led the group of 21 participants with the Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory. Pres. George furnished an interesting bit of trivia regarding our U.S. paper currency: Andrew Jackson is currently on our $20 bill, to be replaced with Harriet Tubman, political activist, and abolitionist before and during the Civil War, who escaped…
Read MoreSpindrift January 28, 2021
VACCINATION Fran Murphy described how speedy hers had been and Ed Romeo noted some difficulty getting an appointment. Diane Daruty emphasized the importance of persistence in attacking the computer site early in the morning, leading to a successful result for her. George noted that former Mayor Will O’Neill has also been frustrated with not being…
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