Spindrift October 15, 2020

Spindrift October 15, 2020

Dr. Bob Wood Editor LUNCHEON / ZOOM MEETING President George Lesley began by leading us in a blessing on those men and women in the armed forces, especially the First Battalion First Marines, about whom we heard later. Our distinguished Field of Honor Chair Jerry...
Spindrift October 8, 2020

Spindrift October 8, 2020

Dr. Bob Wood Editor LUNCHEON / ZOOM MEETINGWe’re back at the BCYC with our regular routine – the American Flag, everyone seated, a lectern, and a micro-phone all working fine. In addition, Richard and Steve Pool made sure that it was also Zoomed. President George...
Spindrift October 1, 2020

Spindrift October 1, 2020

Steve Pool – Reporter OPENING THE ZOOM President-Elect George Lesley opened the meeting with a prayer and Shirley Lashmett led us in the flag salute. ANNOUNCEMENTSShirley Lashmett brought us the annual Reverse Raffle from the South Orange County Exchange Club....