Spindrift December 23, 2021

Spindrift December 23, 2021

LIVE MEETING President Mike Gertner opened the meeting. Richard Sweeney reed the Prayer of St. Francis. Diane Daruty led the Pledge. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ed Romeo announced Oasis’ newsletter is available and its fitness center will be closed part of the holiday season....
Spindrift December 9, 2021

Spindrift December 9, 2021

LIVE MEETING President Mike Gertner opened and Roger Summers said the prayer. Roger asked God to bless club leadership, and members with health, strength, and happiness. Al Wach led the Pledge. ANNOUNCEMENTS Twenty-four members pledged to Families Helping Families....
Spindrift November 18, 2021

Spindrift November 18, 2021

We started on time with Leo Fracalosy reading the entire Gettysburg address, the words of which fit beautifully in describing some people’s view of today’s world. Followed by Ed Romeo, distinguished Veteran, leading the Pledge. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ed Romeo...
Spindrift November 11, 2021

Spindrift November 11, 2021

LIVE MEETING President Mike Gertner opened. Roger Summers prayed for the spirit within us and our families, and asked God to bless leadership in our club and local government. Bob Washer led the Pledge. ANNOUNCEMENTS Craig Boardman introduced his guest Bob McCafry....
Spindrift October 28, 2021

Spindrift October 28, 2021

President Mike Gertner started the business meeting and asked Roger Summers to provide the invocation, and Leo Fracalosy to lead the Pledge. He raised the issue of whether our club should be meeting two days...
Spindrift October 21,  2021

Spindrift October 21, 2021

LIVE MEETING President Mike Gertner opened the meeting and introduced Ken Dufuor to lead us in prayer. Ken read Exchange Club’s Covenant of Service that states, in pertinent part, “I covenant…: To consecrate my best energies to the uplifting of...