Spindrift December 15, 2022

Spindrift December 15, 2022

MEETING Last week’s luncheon was held in the lower dining room at the Newport Beach Yacht Club, and 20 members were in attendance. President Ken DuFour opened the meeting with an invocation, asking the Lord to intervene on behalf of Marj Collins, who is...
Spindrift December 8, 2022

Spindrift December 8, 2022

LIVE MEETING Ken DuFour opened. David Schapiro prayed for health and happiness this holiday season in one of the most difficult years, especially for him. He thanked God for our club, friendships, and the meal. He prayed “shalom” (Hebrew for peace) in...
Spindrift November 17, 2022

Spindrift November 17, 2022

MEETING President Ken asked Gail Demmer to provide the invocation, which included prayers for Marj Collins and a request for our newly elected officials to be led under God’s direction. The Pledge was led by Bob Kinton. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ed Romeo reported with...
Spindrift November 10, 2022

Spindrift November 10, 2022

MEETING There were a total of 27 members in attendance at last Thursday’s meeting, along with our speakers, Norma Mendoza and Pat Cahill. President Ken Dufour opened the meeting, which was held in the Card Room of the Bahia Corinthian. Wally Ziglar offered the...
Spindrift November 3, 2022

Spindrift November 3, 2022

LIVE MEETING Ken DuFour opened. Ed Romeo read the Prayer of St. Francis and George Lesley led the pledge. ANNOUCEMENTS George and Gina Lesley conducted a Halloween quiz. We learned the skeleton went to the barbeque to enjoy spare ribs, skeletons that don’t work...
Spindrift October 27, 2022

Spindrift October 27, 2022

MEETING We met this time downstairs at the Newport Beach Yacht Club, with President Ken starting us with an invocation, which includ- ed the idea that we might want to give Marj Collins a call to let her know that we are thinking of her, and she might want to hear a...