by exchangeclubo1 | Feb 11, 2021 | 2021, Spindrifts
ZOOM MEETING/ IN MEMORIAM: JOHN KRUSELast Thursday’s meeting was broadcasted exclusively on Zoom. President George Lesley opened with an invocation asking for support and strength for Paula Kruse and family on the passing of her husband, John Kruse, an active...
by exchangeclubo1 | Jan 28, 2021 | 2021, Spindrifts
ZOOMMembers started showing up at noon as invited by Secretary Richard Swinney, and the meeting began with President George sharing with us some ideas for the great respect we have for three cultures. Reliable Zoomer Garry TeWinkle led us in the Pledge with some...
by exchangeclubo1 | Jan 22, 2021 | 2021, Spindrifts
President George Lesley says… Hi All-Welcome to 2021! A lot of unpleasantness occurred in 2020, including the loss of three long-time and much-loved members Charlie Anderson, Ron Barnett, and Tom Naughton. May they be long remembered! On the happy side, we welcomed...
by exchangeclubo1 | Dec 21, 2020 | 2020, Spindrifts
David Schapiro, Editor LUNCHEON MEETING We were back to having our lunch served outdoors on the BCYC central patio on a very pleasant (albeit slightly smoky) day. Thirteen of our members chose to attend, and seven participated on Zoom, moderated by our Zoom...
by exchangeclubo1 | Nov 23, 2020 | 2020, Spindrifts
LUNCHEON President George Lesley continued his creative invocations by reading from the words of Theodore Roosevelt in 1910 that helped us think straight. If you Google Teddy Roosevelt quotes you will find some other great ones! Veteran Al Wach (Navy and Army both)...
by exchangeclubo1 | Nov 12, 2020 | 2020, Spindrifts
LUNCHEON MEETING Our latest luncheon convened indoors at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, and Pres. George Lesley began with a very creative invocation. He passed the mic individually to all the attendees, who collectively contributed their thoughts and thanks to our...