Spindrift December 19, 2019

Spindrift December 19, 2019

“Willful ignorance” has come to mean any situation in which people intentionally turn their attention away from an ethical problem… – Wikipedia President Ken DuFour called the meeting to order and Bill Bechtel led us in saluting the greatest...
Spindrift December 12, 2019

Spindrift December 12, 2019

Ken DuFour started the meeting with a nice invocation, and WW II vet Deane Bottorf, recovering from a recent illness, led us in the salute. Jeff Yeargain announced the new scores for our Membership Drive (Team 3=71, Team 4=57, Team 2= 56, Team 1=49.) These teams WERE...
Spindrift November 21, 2019

Spindrift November 21, 2019

Pres-Elect George Lesley began the meeting by introducing Immediate Past President Richard Swinney, who gave the invocation, followed by the salute to Old Glory, again led by Deane Bottorf. George then informed the membership that the flag salute was written in 1892...
Spindrift November 14, 2019

Spindrift November 14, 2019

Bribery: Corrupt solicitation, acceptance, or transfer of value in exchange for official action – Cornell Law School, Legal Encyclopedia President Ken DuFour called the meeting to order and Joe Browm led us in prayer to help those in need, protect our troops...