
The SPindrift
The Spindrift Newsletter
Spindrift October 10, 2019
Great meeting today, beginning with President Ken offering a timely prayer, encouraging God to grant us long lives. Followed by WWII vet Deane Bottorf leading us in the flag salute. Ken made a brief announcement on the upcoming memorial service this Saturday (Oct 5)...
Spindrift October 03, 2019
President Ken DuFour called the meeting to order and led us in prayer. Deane Bottorf was called upon to lead us in saluting our flag. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dave Schapiro is a strong advocate for getting flu shots every year. The Flu kills 43,000 every year in the U.S; mostly...
Spindrift September 19, 2019
President Ken DuFour opened the meeting with a brief moment of silence in remembrance of the tragedy of 9/11 (now recognized as Patriot Day), and of the roughly 3,000 people who perished on that fateful day 18 years ago. Ed Romeo led the flag salute, followed by the...
Spindrift September 12, 2019
Dave Schapiro, Editor This week’s greeter is currently our only member of the female persuasion, Shirley Lashmett, who, besides being active with two other Exchange Clubs in the OC, is President-Elect of the CA/NV District Exchange, and has taken on the...
Spindrift August 15, 2019
Editor Dr. Bob Wood In the absence of President Ken who said he might have jury duty, Secretary and Past President Richard Swinney ran this exciting meeting with a heartfelt invocation, a patriotic pledge by Deane Bottorf, and a dozen wonderful wives joining us for...
Spindrift August 8, 2019
Dave Schapiro– Ed. Our greeter this week was Jim Fournier, enthusiastically selling raffle tickets at the front desk. Our esteemed prez, Ken Dufour, began the meeting with an in-spired invocation, followed by a spirited salute to Old Glory, led by the...
Spindrift July 25, 2019
Steve Pool - Reporter President Ken DuFour called the meeting to order after people begged him to ring the bell he did quite forcefully and in his prayer asking God for grace forgiveness help and guidance Bill Bechtel led us in the flag salute which we did after...