by exchangeclubo1 | Oct 20, 2021 | 2021, Spindrifts
MEETING Our belated Spouses/Significant Others luncheon was held at the Newport Rib Company in Costa Mesa, and there were about 30 in attendance. Our very special guests included Paula Kruse, Ron Lashmett, Jeannie Nininger, Pam Summers, Lynda Wood, Marjie Tewinkle,...
by exchangeclubo1 | Oct 20, 2021 | 2021, Spindrifts
President Mike Gertner invited Ken Dufour to give the invocation. Ken thanked God for our beautiful home and the opportunity to serve others less fortunate than ourselves Wally Ziglar led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mike gave Gary TeWinkle $3 for...
by exchangeclubo1 | Sep 14, 2021 | 2021, Spindrifts
MEETING There were 26 members who attend- ed lunch at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, presided by President Mike Gertner, who was welcomed back after a 2-week hiatus. Leo Fracalosy offered a prayer for the 13 servicemen who gave their lives in Kabul during the...
by exchangeclubo1 | Sep 11, 2021 | 2021, Spindrifts
LIVE MEETING We were delighted to welcome back Mike Gertner. He assured us that with antibodies and double vaccination, he’s fully armed against Covid 19. Bob Wood led us in prayer, expressing gratitude for Mike’s recovery from Covid, the beautiful place...
by exchangeclubo1 | Sep 10, 2021 | 2021, Spindrifts
OPENING Was by Pres-Elect Ken DuFour in the absence of Pres. Mike Gertner, who graciously agreed not to in- fect any of us with COVID. However, he’s getting better and will be back ASAP. Ken’s invocation urged us to respect the wonderful things we have...
by exchangeclubo1 | Sep 10, 2021 | 2021, Spindrifts
LIVE MEETING Ken Dufour led the meeting, filling in for Mike Gertner who is sick with Covid. George Lesley prayed for those being brutalized in Afghanistan, Haitians suffering from the tropical storm, and Mike’s recovery. After a brief quiz about when California...