by exchangeclubo1 | Mar 20, 2022 | 2022, Spindrifts
The invocation was given by Ken DuFour, who encouraged us to think of Dave Schapiro’s wife Dennie as she battles cancer. Bob Wood led the Pledge of Allegiance to our great country. ANNOUNCEMENTS George Lesley (the Czar of the Past Presidents) announced that at...
by exchangeclubo1 | Mar 11, 2022 | 2022, Spindrifts, Uncategorized
LIVE MEETING Started at 12:04 with a comprehensive invocation by Roger Summers and an enthusiastic Pledge of Allegiance by Garry TeWinkle. ANNOUNCEMENTS Bob Wood asked for a showing of hands of those who could type, looking for volunteers to join him and Diane Daruty...
by exchangeclubo1 | Mar 3, 2022 | 2022, Spindrifts
LIVE MEETING Gina Lesley opened, Fran Murphy read Pope Francis’ prayer, and Leo Fracolosy led the Pledge. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dr. Bob Wood reported Marj Davis won $300 in the Super Bowl pool.Cynthia Strasmann invited everyone to accompany her to Newport Coast...
by exchangeclubo1 | Feb 15, 2022 | 2022, Spindrifts
LIVE MEETING George Lesley offered a prayer for those threatened by the Laguna Beach fires and prayed for good health for our club members. Shirley Lashmett led us in the pledge. ANNOUNCEMENTS Joe Brown inquired about the status of Mike Campbell, Harlan Pauley, Bill...
by exchangeclubo1 | Jan 18, 2022 | 2022, Spindrifts
LIVE MEETING President Mike Gertner opened and introduced Leo Fracalosy. Leo tried to explain his indescribable sadness from the recent loss of his be-loved wife, Carol. He read a parable in her honor, shown here. Richard Swinney gave a moving tribute to Carol and Bob...
by exchangeclubo1 | Jan 12, 2022 | 2022, Spindrifts
LIVE MEETING President Mike got us started with calling on Roger Summers for an invocation, followed by Gail Demmer leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance. ANNOUNCEMENTS Jeff Yeargain shored his perspective on the COVID situation. Right now there is no room at Hoag...