Spindrift September 14th, 2023
MEETING In President Shirley Lashment’s absence, President Elect Cynthia Strassman opened. Fran Murphy shared the “God Bless the World Prayer”. Chuck Seven led the pledge. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cynthia said a meeting about Bingo night is taking place on Tuesday, September 12th at 10:00 a.m. at Peet’s Coffee in CDM plaza at the corner of PCH and…
Read MoreSpindrift September 7, 2023
MEETING – President Shirley began the meeting with her own invocation, and pledge led by Leo Fracalosy. Corey Vigil was our speaker today, accompanied by wife Michelle. Other guests included Lorrie Dufour, Lauren Shortt, Honored Guest Alan Kamura, Lois Jacobs with Dave Schapiro. Joe Brown introduced our newest members, Lauretta Stansfield and Barbara Kirkham. ANNOUNCEMENTS…
Read MoreSpindrift August 31, 2023
MEETING – President Shirley opened the meeting with Leo presenting the invocation, a plea that the resilient people of Ukraine be safe and secure and know a free and unwavering peace. Bob Wood led our pledge of allegiance with no comma. between “nation” and “under”. ANNOUNCEMENTS – The Installation Dinner will be at Gullivers at…
Read MoreSpindrift August 24, 2023
MEETING – Our meeting last Thursday was scheduled as a business meeting, and 23 members were in attendance, with no guests or speakers present. President Shirley Lashmett called on Gina Lesley to give the invocation, during which she asked for the opportunities for us to do our best to make the world a better place,…
Read MoreSpindrift August 10th, 2023
MEETING – President Shirley Lashmett started the meeting, with a prayer. New member Chuck Seven led us in the pledge. Shirley introduced tow guests today, Jay and Joan Shery from the Culver City Exchange Club. Several visitors from Ukraine were introduced, as well as Cory and Michelle from the American Legion,future speakers. ANNOUNCEMENTS – Shirley…
Read MoreSpindrift 3, 2023
MEETING – Our last meeting, a business meeting, convened in the card room at the Bahia Corinthian, and 20 members were in attendance. President Shirley Lashmett called the meeting to order and asked Ken DuFour to give his “Thought for the Day”, which was “Dear Lord, help us remember that waking up is the first…
Read MoreSpindrift July 27, 2023
MEETING Shirley Lashmett opened the meeting and led the prayer. She expressed gratitude we were able to gather in this free country and asked God to help us maintain our freedom. She prayed for God’s help in our new fiscal year with new fundraisers. Ron Lashmett led the pledge. ANNOUCEMENTS Richard Swinney gave an update…
Read MoreSpindrift July 20, 2023
MEETING – Last Thursday’s meeting was held in the downstairs dining room at the Newport Beach Yacht Club, and 18 were in attendance, including our speaker, Robyn Grant, and Jerry Hall, a special guest of Wally Ziglar. Jerry is an old-time member who is interested in rejoining us. Past-President Once Removed George Lesley presided, as…
Read MoreSpindrift July 13, 2023
LIVE MEETING Shirley Lashmett opened for her first time as President. She thanked God for His love, care, and guidance. She asked Him to help her discard negative thoughts and embrace positive ones in leading our club in serving our community. Mitch Mitchell led with pledge. ANNOUNCEMENTS Marj Davis introduced her great grandson from Dallas…
Read MoreSpindrift June 29, 2023
MEETING – Our last meeting convened at noon in the Dining Room of the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. Nineteen were seated for lunch, including Dave Black, our speaker for the day. Dave is an active member and officer of the South Orange County Exchange Club, and he has served as recent President of the CA/NV…
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