President Ken DuFour led us in an invocation, thanking God for letting us live in such a wonderful place and joining a great group. Garry TeWinkle continued by leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance individualized appropriately. Secretary Richard Swinney noted that we have 1000 flyers on hand for our upcoming Field of Honor event this May. President Ken added that this means that each of use should take TEN of them and pass them out to ten of our neighbors, and that’s an instruction!
Quiz by Wally Ziglar, What were the four words that George Washington added at the end his first oath of office, with his hand on the Bible? “So Help Me God.”
Was introduced by Mitch Mitchell, VP-Programs, who has been doing great work getting interesting speakers like Sara Verschueren of the Newport Beach Police Department, with a presentation about Home Security for Newport Beach citizens and others interested. Residential burglaries in Newport Beach peaked in 2018 at 237 and last year were 156. The low during 2020 is due to the lack of travel from COVID, but now people are beginning to travel again. While this is a number we are attempting to make lower this year, it is dominated by targeting of empty homes, dinnertime hours (five to seven or nine o’clock) and homes near hillsides. When the sun sets, typically lights come on in a house, and as time changes, dusk changes, and the attempts change time as well. Typical entry points are backyard or sides of the house, shattering windows or glass doors and second story balconies. Their goals typically are to take small valuable items such as jewelry, handbags and cash.They often pick a home that backs up to a trail or a golf course, rarely use the front door, and like the 2nd story balcony if one exists. Cameras do not seem to be a deterrent. Therefore, our goals will be to create the appearance of seeming like someone is at home. This can be done by the use of lights and radios or TVs that go on roughly at dinnertime. Since most attacks involve the master bedrooms, a motion sensor place there would have good odds at alerting or initiating an alarm system. Valuables should not be visible through windows.
Exteriors should be well-lit dusk to dawn with no “hiding places”; preferably with motion sensor lights on the sides and the backyard having both lighting and motion sensor lights. Your landscaping should eliminate dark hiding places. Open windows on the second story are an obvious “no-no”. Sara demonstrated examples of stacking chairs to reach second story access windows very easily.
Good habits to reduce the odds ot a burglary are to lock all your doors and windows every time you leave your home and SET YOUR ALARM! If you’re out of town, don’t let it be known on social media. If you have trusted neighbors, you should let them know when you’re going out of town.
You should have the non-emergency NBPD line handy and call us if you see suspicious activity at 949-644-3717.During the Q and A, the following topics arose.
The burglars use cars that “look like” they belong in the neighborhood. Keep garage doors closed. If they lead into the home, it’s another access point. And if they don’t, it’s an easy way for a
burglar to walk off with tools or bikes, especially the more expensive prevalent. motor bikes. Does having a dog help? Yes, but you should do all the things recommended as well. Burglars are rarely armed, but you have the authority to defend yourself if threatened. How many of the robbers did they catch in the recent Nieman-Marcus robbery at 3:45 AM. Answer: two of the four so far.
Is there any evidence that the burglaries are perhaps related to foreign nationals? Younger people may not be in the system, so we don’t really know. What penalties do the robbers receive? Robbery is a felony.
Thank you, Sara, for your stimulating and informative talk.. Ed. Bob Wood
Shirlee’s Door Prize To avoid la repeat of the drawer picking the winner, Shirlee selected Editor Dave Schapiro as the drawer, and he picked is own ticket first! Jerry Nininger was the other winner.
PLEA BY RICHARD-As we approach the 40th anniversary of the Priority Center, Richard is seeking ANY documentation that would relate our Club to the beginning of the Child Abuse Prevention Center. Please call Richard at 714-269-0960 or email him at Yes, YOU, old timer!
Mar 9 – Project Hope Alliance

Pres. Ken DuFour
Brad Summers with Lt. Eric LittleThis week’s meeting will be held at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. Lunch will be served at 12:15 p.m. You will be emailed an invitation two days before the meeting. Please notify Richard Swinney by this Wednesday at 2 pm if you are planning on attending.