Ken DuFour opened and read the Serenity Prayer (the long version). Joe Brown led the pledge.
Ken attended the One Nation Under God Breakfast with Shirley Lashmett where he learned from Rabbi Stillerman how the Jewish influenced the First Amendment. Before it was adopted, Jewish gentlemen corresponded with George Washington urging him to incorporate our inherent rights, in particular, freedom of religion. They had been restricted in practicing their faith in their former countries and longed for this freedom in America. Coincidentally, the first case interpreting the First Amendment involved the Jewish faith. A slaughter-house’s process for meat cutting to make it kosher was challenged, and the practice was upheld under the First Amendment. Ken encouraged us to attend the California/Nevada District conference scheduled for Saturday, February 12, 2023.Mike Gertner announced the football pool results. Dr. Bob Wood was low man and Shirley, Gary Tewinkle, and Mitch Mitchell tied for first. Gary won, having picked closest to the tie breaker number, and Mitch was second. Dr. Bob declared Marj Davis Monday night’s $50 winner of the football books. November birthdays include Gail Demmer, George Lesley, Al Wach, Diane Daruty, and Cynthia Strasmann, with a special birthday wish for Cynthia who brought treats.
Ken invited Joe to give his 6 minute personal biography. Joe presented the early years, as he previously shared high school and older. He said his early years, like the Charles Dickens quote, “were the best of times and the worst of times.”
Joe was born December 23rd at 11:30 p.m.. When he awoke the next day, he felt the party atmosphere celebrating his arrival. It took him some time to realize the festivities were for Christ’s birthday, not his. During Joe’s first four years, everyone catered to his every need, wanted to hold him, and showered him with love. That time faded into the age of discipline, including smacks on the butt. His favorite word during this time was “why.” He seldom received a response, and when he did it was always “because I told you so.”

Joe Brown
She replied, “No, but there’s got to be one.” Joe was a neighborhood watch dog. He witnessed two guys breaking into his dad’s car, but as he approached, they sped off. He quickly told his dad who asked Joe to identify the thieves. Although Joe couldn’t provide their names, he captured the license plate number. Joe was optimistic his life would improve after he saw the movie Blackboard Jungle and another starring James Dean. Richard Swinney summarized the last board meeting. The board had a lengthy discussion about the process for admitting new members. They concluded the current process is too loose and agreed to institute a new one. The Board approved $500 to Back Bay High for holiday festivities or another use at it discretion, and approved a $5,000 grant application from Crime Survivors. In a desire for more social events, a Hospitality Committee will be appointed. Richard will reach out to members about this soon.
Dr. Bob reported that from July through October, the club lost 10% on the Installation Dinner, on average lost $660 per month , and had unrealized losses in the Investment Account of $15,000. The Investment Account balance is $1,301,135. Community Service donations to date include $10,000 to the One of One Foundation, $1,037 for Buddy Bench, and $22,595 for ACE.

Mike Gertner
Mike Gertner noted that our club had the great fortune of receiving an over $1,000,000 gift from former member Ed Miltenburg. He gave us some basic information on gift giving and how we can donate to the club. The annual exemption for gift giving (i.e., the gift need not be reported for tax purposes) is $16,000 per individual and $32,000 per couple. Members may donate cash now or identify the club as a gift recipient in a trust or life insurance policy. A gift at death is referred to as a bequest, and a bequest to a charity avoids estate tax. Some gifting options include a charitable gift annuity (gifting an asset in return for a tax deduction and a fixed income stream from that asset for the rest of your life), a charitable remainder annuity trust (contributing an asset while also paying a fixed income to yourself or another beneficiary in the form of an annuity), a charitable lead trust (gifting the income stream of an asset while alive with the income going to your beneficiaries upon your death), and a qualified charitable distribution (direct an IRA distribution to the club instead of themselves). Establishing an endowment in your name is donating a pot of money that is invested to create a reliable stream of income for the club.
Shirley drew the raffle tickets. Garry TeWinkle, Gail Demmer each won $22.
Nov 24 – Thanksgiving-no meeting

Pres. Ken DuFour