
The SPindrift
The Spindrift Newsletter
Spindrift March 19, 2020
Starting a bit late at 12:22, President Ken DuFour began with an inspiring prayer relevant to today’s times, and we had Deane Bottorf challenge us to assume to proper position for the flag salute. ANNOUNCEMENTSKen encouraged members to speak their opinions on whether...
Spindrift March 12, 2020
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (Ed. note: This is the inaugural segment that may become a monthly segment of the Spindrift) The O.C. Child Abuse Prevention Center, now renamed the Priority Center, will be holding its Annual Gala on Saturday, March 21, 2020 at the Pa’sea Hotel in...
Spindrift March 5, 2020
President Ken DuFour began the meeting with a prayer recognizing our gratitude and bewilderment. Deane Bottorf once again asked us to assume the position, we complied, and then we saluted the flag. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ed Romeo put together a scrap album of the Field of...
Spindrift February 20, 2020
Spindrift February 13, 2020
Our luncheon meeting Feb 13 will be at the Newport Beach Yacht Club, 1099 Bayside Drive. The meeting was called to order and George Lesley led us in prayer for those who passed away in the tragic helicopter crash that took 7 lives and prayer for halting the...
Spindrift December 12, 2019
Spindrift January 30, 2020
Spindrift January 16, 2020
Spindrift December 19, 2019
"Willful ignorance" has come to mean any situation in which people intentionally turn their attention away from an ethical problem... - Wikipedia President Ken DuFour called the meeting to order and Bill Bechtel led us in saluting the greatest flag in the world!...
Spindrift December 12, 2019
Ken DuFour started the meeting with a nice invocation, and WW II vet Deane Bottorf, recovering from a recent illness, led us in the salute. Jeff Yeargain announced the new scores for our Membership Drive (Team 3=71, Team 4=57, Team 2= 56, Team 1=49.) These teams WERE...
Spindrift November 21, 2019
Pres-Elect George Lesley began the meeting by introducing Immediate Past President Richard Swinney, who gave the invocation, followed by the salute to Old Glory, again led by Deane Bottorf. George then informed the membership that the flag salute was written in 1892...
Spindrift November 14, 2019
Bribery: Corrupt solicitation, acceptance, or transfer of value in exchange for official action - Cornell Law School, Legal Encyclopedia President Ken DuFour called the meeting to order and Joe Browm led us in prayer to help those in need, protect our troops around...
Spindrift November 7, 2019
We had a good turnout for Ladies Day, with 12 significant others in attendance: Jolie Gertner, Lorrie Levin (Ken DuFour), Lore Kinton, Paula Kruse, Gina Lesley, Janie Major, Jean Naughton, Mary Romeo, Barbara Ryan, Dennie Schapiro, Jody Swinney, and Lynda Wood. Lynda...
Spindrift October 31, 2019
President Ken DuFour called the meeting to order and led us in a prayer for all to be healthy, happy, feeling warmth with no distress, and to be thankful. Deane Bottorf led us in the flag salute. ANNOUNCEMENTS Ed Romeo let everyone know that he was happy to get the...
Spindrift October 17, 2019
President Ken DuFour called the meeting to order and led us in “Amen”. Deane Bottorf led us in saluting our flag. ANNOUNCEMENTS Bill Bechtel brought a bunch of shirts that we had ordered for various activities over the last couple of years. Shirley Lashment...